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Great news. SO I've clone the repo and it builds ok but I only get .out and .map files, no elf files.
Is there a build parameter I need to set or run a conversion tool to create the elf file?
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Hi Marjin,
Thank you for reporting your success of building the ot-ti OpenThread v1.3 repository! This resource uses gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update which does not include a file extension after the build. Thus the GitHub build script appends the .out suffix for the purposes of making it recognizable as a programmable file in CCS or Uniflash. You can further investigate GCC documentation to learn more about your options. For what reason do you specifically need an elf file output extension? It is not a common requirement for SimpleLink devices.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the quick reply.
We use the Segger Jlink for flashing and debugging and the Jflash software does not allow loading of .out files.
So I do not necesarily need a .elf but just something Jflash can load. .hex is also fine.
I now tried the tiarmhex utility to convert to hex file and that worked.