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CC2652R7: OTA implementation under OpenThread protocol of CC2652R7

Part Number: CC2652R7
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG, UNIFLASH


Hi TI,
My project requires CC2652R7 to perform OTA under OpenThread protocol, but I learned that OpenThread does not have built-in OTA.
The only OTA solution I found is to use CoAP in OpenThread to transfer firmware, and then use MCUboot to update firmware (I don’t know if what ChatGPT said is correct).
I haven’t found any implementation of OTA under OpenThread protocol on the Internet, nor the implementation of CoAP, and I know very little about MCUboot now.
Any suggestions will be appreciated!

  • The SDK and examples I use are as follows:

    rtos: temp_sensor
    nortos: mcuboot

    I modified the coapHandleServer method of temp_sensor to look like this:

    #include <ti/devices/cc13x2_cc26x2/driverlib/flash.h>
    #define OTA_BUFFER_SIZE 512  // Define size of each packet
    #define FIRMWARE_MAX_SIZE 0x56000  // Maximum firmware size
    static bool otaInProgress = false;
    static uint32_t firmwareOffset = 0x56000;  // Example starting offset for firmware storage
    static const uint32_t flashPageSize = 4096; // Typical flash page size for CC26x2
    // Updated OTA initialization - to start and stop OTA
    static void StartOTA() {
        otaInProgress = true;
        firmwareOffset = 0x56000;  // Reset to initial offset
        // Additional steps to prepare the device for OTA, if necessary
    static void StopOTA() {
        otaInProgress = false;
        firmwareOffset = 0;
        // Optional: add post-OTA verification or reset
    // Flash write function (replace with actual flash writing logic)
    static otError WriteFirmwareToFlash(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) {
        otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE;
        if ((firmwareOffset + length) > FIRMWARE_MAX_SIZE) {
            return OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS;
        // Erase page if needed
        if (firmwareOffset % flashPageSize == 0) {
        if (FlashProgram((uint32_t *)data, firmwareOffset, length) != FAPI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            error = OT_ERROR_FAILED;
        } else {
            firmwareOffset += length;
        return error;
    void TriggerReboot() {
        SysCtrlSystemReset();  // Trigger a reset to boot into new firmware
    static void coapHandleServer(void *aContext, otMessage *aMessage,
                                 const otMessageInfo *aMessageInfo) {
        otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE;
        otMessage *responseMessage = NULL;
        otCoapCode messageCode = otCoapMessageGetCode(aMessage);
        if (OT_COAP_CODE_POST == messageCode) {
            if (!otaInProgress) {
            uint16_t payloadLength = otMessageGetLength(aMessage) - otMessageGetOffset(aMessage);
            uint8_t buffer[OTA_BUFFER_SIZE];
            otMessageRead(aMessage, otMessageGetOffset(aMessage), buffer, payloadLength);
            error = WriteFirmwareToFlash(buffer, payloadLength);
            otEXPECT(OT_ERROR_NONE == error);
            if (firmwareOffset >= FIRMWARE_MAX_SIZE) {
                responseMessage = otCoapNewMessage((otInstance *)aContext, NULL);
                otEXPECT_ACTION(responseMessage != NULL, error = OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS);
                otCoapMessageInitResponse(responseMessage, aMessage, OT_COAP_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGMENT, OT_COAP_CODE_CHANGED);
                otCoapMessageSetToken(responseMessage, otCoapMessageGetToken(aMessage), otCoapMessageGetTokenLength(aMessage));
                const char *msg = "OTA Complete";
                otMessageAppend(responseMessage, msg, strlen(msg));
                error = otCoapSendResponse((otInstance *)aContext, responseMessage, aMessageInfo);
                otEXPECT(OT_ERROR_NONE == error);
        if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE && responseMessage != NULL) {

    Also defined


    But when I opened mcuboot.syscfg, I got an error: Error parsing CLI arguments in script file: Error: Unrecognized argument: --rtos

    I haven't solved this problem yet, but could anyone tell me if this plan is feasible to implement?

  • Hello,

    Thanks for the question.

    I'll look into it and provide an update within 5 business days.


  • Hello Toby,

    Thank you for letting me know. I look forward to the update.



  • Hi Gasen,

    But when I opened mcuboot.syscfg, I got an error: Error parsing CLI arguments in script file: Error: Unrecognized argument: --rtos

    The MCUBoot project doesn't really use SysConfig. SysConfig for MCUBoot is only used for CCFG.

    Any pin modifications, etc, should be done directly in the project.

    Overall, yes, Thread does not specify any OTA mechanism (it only specifies the network layer).

    Are you using Matter? Or is it Thread?

    If you have a non-Matter Thread project, you can start with this:

    doorlock_oad_secure ( and the BIM

    And refer to this:


  • Hi Toby,

    Thank you for your guidance.

    I am using Thread, not Matter. I followed the instructions to use the doorlock_oad_secure project and the bim_offchip project from SDK version Here's what I did:

    1. First, I flashed the doorlock_oad_secure application binary to the device.
    2. Then, I flashed the bim_offchip binary onto the device.
    3. After completing the flashing, I connected a serial terminal with a baud rate of 115200. However, the serial output is very limited, and it seems the doorlock application did not run or was not successfully flashed.

    Could you please clarify if the order of flashing (application first, then BIM) is correct? Or are there additional steps I need to perform for the setup to work?

    Also, do I need to make any changes in the SysConfig settings, or are there specific configurations required for this combination of projects?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Hi Gasen,

    You should be able to load both BIM and application together, similar to what is shown here, if you are using Uniflash:

    If you are using CCS, you should load BIM first by entering debug session in BIM project, then within the session load the application by:

    1. Window --> Show View --> Memory Browser
    2. Click arrow of icon 
    3. Load Memory
    4. Specify location of your .bin application
    5. File Type: binary
    6. Start address: the start address specified in the application's linker file (.cmd), see "MEMORY" section
