CC2340R5: How to ensure that the end device joins the network as a child of the specific router instead of the coordinator.

Part Number: CC2340R5


I am testing the router and want to verify how many end device can be allowed to the router. so I need to ensure that the end device joins the network as a child of the specific router instead of the coordinator. How should I do it

  • Hello Senjin,

    You could try to set the ZC's zb_set_max_children/zb_nwk_set_max_ed_capacity to zero in your application, thus End Devices would be forced to join Routers instead of the Coordinator.  Please try this and let me know of the result.  Another simple method is to reduce the TX power of your ZC and make sure that the ZED are much closer to the ZR than the ZC when joining.
