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I have made some PCB's usign the CC2533 and am a hobbyist. I came over here from using Arduino.
I thought there would be (and i though i downaloaded and evauluted a TI IDE that was supposed to easily combile firmware for these SoC's) but now moths later i cannot find it and everyhgin points to IAR (which is mega pricey for me and the free edition just wont even compile ti examples..?!)
Also I tried the Composer Studio.. but there is no CC25xx framework for it? only the 430...
IS there any other way I can compile some basic code for the CC2533 and use the flasher (i have the dev kit - but did not get any software with it either- had to wait 4 days for an email from some TI rep...) It can be Windows/mac/linux I dont mind.
So basically because I use TI chips, and TI dev kits
I get rewarded with the decision to spend 1000's of USD on 3rd party IDE's
of which none of TI's examples will compile in any of the free/lite/evaluation because of size restrictions...
Why does Code Composer not support this? atleast i could get 90days free use..
It seems people have tried compiling Z-Stack with SDCC (a free 8051 compiler) with some limited success. I would be interested in pushing this further if there is interest.
It's a real pity there isn't some free alternative to IAR (even if the generated code is of a lower standard). Not everyone needs super-efficient code to begin with.
Much in agreement here... I am sitting on hundreds of dollars of hardware which are useless unless I spend another couple of thousand on IAR :(
Please keep in mind that the ZStack depends upon libraries which are only produced by IAR. So even if you port what part of ZStack code you have access to, you will need to enter into a formal source code licensing agreement to get all of the source code that you will need. I assure you that you will spend much more than a couple of thousands of dollars of your time in making this port, if and when you get access to all of the source code.
As for SimpliciTI, you have access to all of the source code already and the port should be order(s) of magnitude easier, but those questions and comments should be made over on the sister forum for "SimpliciTI and Proprietary Software".
Fine ZStack relies on IAR
What about SimpliciTI and RemoTI ? for the CC2533?
I had to employ somebody to make me firmware because i have idea how to even start writting firmware for this. It is pretty complex, and now you guys are talking about ports and re wrtting from source code?
I suppose you cannot answer my original question.. because there is no direct support for the CC2533 from TI yet is there? Somehow a 3rd Party developed an IDE before TI could make one????
That is quite an under hander... any way.. i have unlimted emails so i will jsut keep on requesting trials on IAR and rebuild virtual machines..
Thanks for the not so great answer, i had better luck on...
Wow, you are quite an enthusiastic hobbyist if you are employing consultants to help out on this hobby!
As for SimpliciTI, that's a different e2e forum and set of support.
As for RemoTI, that's adifferent e2e forum and set of support as well, but CC2533 has been supported by the sample applications in the RemoTI stack since the chip was released.
As for your use as a hobbyist, perhaps the ez430-RF product would fit your needs better:
I don't know about it myself, but skimming the info page, I do see "IAR KickStart" specificly mentioned, which is free, right?
Kickstart... The free 4KB IDE.
The only project that will compile in 4KB is simpleRF simpleApp.. i think? I know NONE of the remoTI, simpliciTI, ZStack will compile in kickstarter...
On employing somebody to write me firmware.. here is the logic.
You gotta be braindead enthusiast if you just go buy IAR Full Embedded.
I did not want to go to 430.. that is the purpose of a 2.5USD System On Chip.. to avoid using an MCU.. you give terrible advice Harry.. Spend more spend more spend more..
I quit.