I've been looking to touchlink another remote into my existing ZLL network, but with no success. Is this even possible?
My setup is a sampleremote that has touchlinked to a couple of zlights. Now I have another factory new sampleremote (all based on Z-Stack Lighting 1.0.1) that I would like to be a part of the existing network. So I tried sending the touchlink RPC to the NFN sampleremote and nothing happens. Sending the touchlink to the FN sampleremote and also, nothing happens.
I am able to 'steal' a zlight with the FN remote, though. But that is not what I want, I want the FN remote to become a part of the existing network so that it can now be used to control the Zlights as well.
Is this possible? If yes, how to proceed? Any documentation pointers?