I want to upgrade firmware from MSP430 to CC2530. Up gradable firmware will reside in MSP430, which intend to flash in CC2530 through UART(serially). I have gone through this link http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC253x_Serial_Boot_Loader.
In that i have understood that
i) first run the bootloader(SBL) given in the Zstack. and download in to flash of CC2530.
ii)Make change in application program such that it does not overwrite the SBL that has been programmed into flash.
Re-build Download and Run the application:
Q 1. "To avoid the 30s boot delay press the joystick up". Is this mandatory, because i plan not to manually, If MSP is sending image. it should accept it by some hand shaking. No manual operation should be done.
Note: i am talking about upgrade time(Second time) not for first time.
Download a New Application Image via SBL
Q 2. where is RemoTI_SBDemo.exe. why i should need this. if am sending from MSP430 or other host controller what should i do. And there is manual operation is there, need to press switch1(which makes system reset), so that SBL is ready to accept the image.
There is error in wiki page sblwait() is not in genericapp.c it is in sbl_main.c
Q 3. My main question is how can i send upgrading image(.hex or .d51) from MSP430 to CC2530. Assume that initially i have program CC2530 initially with SBL compatible and upgradable image also compiled with SBL compatible.
Is my understanding is correct, if i give 0xf8 from MSP430 through UART to CC2530. Then i am making CC2530 system reset. Which will boot for 30s at that time it is ready to accept a new application image. Then we can send image from MSP430 to CC2530 through UART. If yes, how can i send .d51 or .hex file through UART.
I request some expert to help me.