Hi, TI,
I'm trying to use ZHA (CC2538DK) controlling Philips Hue bulb.
The bulb was factory new and joined my ZHA network automatically. Now I can send some ZCL commands to toggle on/off, change color accordingly.
But there is a problem got me stuck for weeks, the bulb bound to the network and never leave...
Below is my observation and efforts, hope someone may give me advice to reset the bulb:
1. Once the bulb turn on from factory reset, it would try to scan supported bands (11~26, 2.4G) and associate to proper PANs with received beacons.
Seems PID/EPID and network keys will be recognized in bulb's NV ram and will do silent rejoin after turned on. That means the bulb do self announcement
even coordinator/router not there.
2. Have tried send ZCL Baisc Reset command to the bulb, the response was "Unsupported Cluster Command"
3. Have tried send MGMT_LEAVE_REQ command to the bulb, the response was "Not Supported"
4. Did MGMT_DIRECT_JOIN to add the bulb's address into coordinator, the send MGMT_LEAVE_REQ command to the coordinator,
Then the coordinator sent NWK leave command to the bulb. I have seen the bulb light turns red and seems reset to factory new once.
but the bulb triggered the association procedure immediately, things happened too fast so I didn't catch up.
Now I can't reproduce the same procedure now. The bulb just return the MAC ACK everytime after coordinator sent the NWK leave.
I'm wondering if something made the bulb settings changed when re-association. The EPID observed from the bulb was different than before.
Think that should be fine since the bulb still recognizes my ZCL and ZDP commands, the only imperfection is NWK Leave ...
Did any experts have similar experience before? Shall I use the ZLL commissioning to factory new with Z-Light stack?
It would be not easy effort since the Z-Light is for CC2530 and need Inter-PAN configurations...
Any suggestions are appreciated.