I use two SMARTRF05B with the TI HA application SampleThermostat and SampleTemperatureSensor.
I have configured NV_RESTORE in both applications.
After a pairing it works fine.
In my use I turn off and turn on the temperature sensor.
Immediately after turning on, the temperature is not received by the thermostat. But after a variable period of several minutes it works again.
Why is it not working immediately ?
If I turn off and turn on the Thermostat and the Temperature sensor, it works immediately.
The temperature sensor use a report command to send the temperature:
zcl_SendReportCmd( SAMPLETEMPERATURESENSOR_ENDPOINT, &zclSampleTemperatureSensor_DstAddr,
pReportCmd, ZCL_FRAME_SERVER_CLIENT_DIR, TRUE, zclSampleTemperatureSensorSeqNum++ );
Do I need to store the zclSampleTemperatureSensorSeqNum before to turn off, and restore when turn on ?