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ZED rejoin issue about ZC send leave Cmd

Hi  all

today  i found a ZED could not  rejoin the network although the LQI is good。


ZED ===link === ZC

sometimes  the ZED  disconnect the network and scan try to rejoin.

Rejoin backoff : 30minute

Rejoin scan :3 minute

Child Aging mode : POLL RATE

i found something strange  in the log ,

 ZED sending  one rejoin request, the ZC sends a Leave CMD for  it ,

 both of  them doing  this again and again   until   ZED go into the BACKOFF......

And  as i printf out the association list of ZC ,i found  this ZED isn't  in it !!!!!

so  i turn off  the power of the ZED ,and  restart it again,  it send a orphan notification  and then ZC send a coordinator realignment 

and  then it sends device announce  and join the network!!!

My  question:


       Why  does the ZC  sends  the Leave CMD while  ZED send rejoin request?

       when does ZC would sends  this CMD ?

Q2 :

       Why does ZED short address isn't  in  the association list of  the ZC ?

       what and when would caused  the ZC delete some node  of  the association list ?


       Why  does  ZED could rejoin success to the network  after power off /power on without ZC turn on the permit Join, although there is not record on the ZC’s association list ?