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Hi guys,
Does anyone have any problem with an external 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator?
I am working on my own CC2530 PCB of which design is the same as the reference design of the CC2530EM board.
The hex file was successfully downloaded by using IAR Embedded Workbench IDE.
However, the PCB didn't work and I tried to debug with the IAR debugger and found the followings:
The hex file wouldn't get of the "while (!CC2530_IS_HFRC_STABLE() || ((SLEEPSTA & SLEEP_OSC_PD_BM)!=0));// wait until the oscillator is stable" sentence.
The following code is in the "clock.c" file.
void clockSetMainSrc(uint8 source)
register uint8 osc32k_bm = CLKCONCMD & CLKCON_OSC32K_BM;
// Source can have the following values:
// CLOCK_SRC_XOSC 0x00 High speed Crystal Oscillator (XOSC)
// CLOCK_SRC_HFRC 0x01 Low power RC Oscillator (HFRC)
SLEEPCMD &= ~SLEEP_OSC_PD_BM; // power up both oscillators
while (!CC2530_IS_HFRC_STABLE() || ((SLEEPSTA & SLEEP_OSC_PD_BM)!=0));// wait until the oscillator is stable
So I checked the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator and it didn't work properly. There is no 32.768 kHz sin like wave from the oscillator.
Only DC voltage, which I supposed from the CC2530 #32(P2_4) or#33(P2_4) pins, was measured on both input and output terminal of the oscillator.
This is odd because usually if the oscillator is biased then it should work.
I tried to replace the oscillator with a new one. But the replaced one didn't work, either.
So I assumed no defect in oscillators, but now I don't know what I am supposed to do.
Can anyone out there help me?
I appreciate your time and help.
Hi Fredrik,
Thank you for your reply.
I tried several PCBs, but got the same results.
Since the hex file were downloaded successfully, I didn't suspect CC2530, but shouldn't I?