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Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
In function "processAfRegisterReq", when allocate buffer for both "pAppInClusterList " and "pAppOutClusterList ", if the number of cluster is 0, 0-size malloc erro will be triggered. It can be fixed like this
if( pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumInClusters ) //avoid 0-size malloc,add by luoyiming 2019-10-15 { pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppInClusterList = (cId_t *)OsalPort_malloc( sizeof(cId_t) * pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumInClusters ); if ( pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppInClusterList ) { for ( i = 0; i < pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumInClusters; i++ ) { pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppInClusterList[i] = pPtr->pReq->pSimpleDesc->pInputClusters[i]; } } } if( pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumOutClusters ) //avoid 0-size malloc,add by luoyiming 2019-10-15 { pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppOutClusterList = (cId_t *)OsalPort_malloc( sizeof(cId_t) * pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumOutClusters ); if ( pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppOutClusterList ) { for ( i = 0; i < pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->AppNumOutClusters; i++ ) { pItem->epDesc.simpleDesc->pAppOutClusterList[i] = pPtr->pReq->pSimpleDesc->pOutputClusters[i]; } } } }
If HEAPMGR_ASSERT is set to assert when 0 is passed into malloc, this implementation is technically not correct because malloc(0) is allowed:
In the Z-Stack examples, pApp[In/Out]ClusterList is set to NULL if AppNum[In/Out]Clusters is zero.
I have passed this information along to the Software Development Team.