Hi all,
In an effort to make getting started with our RF stacks, TI-RTOS and the CC26xx/13xx platform a bit easier, we're trialing what we call SimpleLink Academy.
SimpleLink Academy works as a plugin of sorts to Code Composer Studio v6.1 and allows you to browse workshops and projects via the Resource Explorer.
You can now browse the labs and download the installer for the add-on to CCS Desktop Resource Explorer by going to SimpleLink Academy Overview.
The first version include a basic introduction to TI-RTOS and two BLE workshops. To get started with this version, you need to install TI BLE SDK v2.1 to c:\ti\simplelink (or install academy as a sibling to "simplelink"), and install Code Composer Studio.
If you have any questions, suggestions or other feedback, please reply to this thread.
Best regards,