In the "AM335x General Purpose EVM Board" they're using AR8031-AL1A ethernet phy and ethernet works fine in RGMII mode. Great!
I'm creating my own design and getting a lot of influence from the GPEVM reference design which saves a lot of headaches. Ideally I'd like to use the same PHY-- the AR8031-AL1A but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be freely available. No serious component dealer sells them. So I either need to find some stable source of the AR8031-AL1A PHY or I need to use a different one. That leads to two questions:
1) Does anyone know a good supplier of AR8031-AL1A? Where can we buy these PHYs?
2) Has anyone successfully replaced the "AR8031-AL1A" with anything else? Would you let me know what you used and how? What speed did you achieve and how stable was the connection?
I've read a few posts about people using KSZ9021RL PHY but I don't know how successful they've been and surely there's hidden gotchas that I'd like to know.