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Hello I am trying to use the trace buffer to analyze system performance.
I am using CCS (32 bits) on ubuntu 12.10 (64 bits) and have been using CCS to debug my beagleaboard XM (DM3730 based). I am following the following guide to enable the ETB this is currently failing at the Open “Trace Control” using Tools->Trace Control menu. Click on the “Receiver” button step. I press the Trace Control button but nothing happens.
I do get some log messages on the console but that's all.
JTRACE: GetConnectedCPUNames: channelServer = 0x9aa0dd0
-- cpuName:
-- channelState: 2
-- stateDescription: Show Trace Control
-- channelInitialized: false
-- canStart: false
-- canResume: false
-- canStop: false
-- canUploadData: false
TraceEventHandler(): Ignoring event (cpuName is empty)
If I try to add a trace point I get the following (expected) message: "Channel error: Receiver is not selected for trace collection. Use Trace Control to select a receiver."Am I hitting a bug. shoud the Trace Control item show a dialog?
Unfortunately I haven't used Trace in Linux yet, but I tried today and also got several problems when trying to open the Trace control on my C6678EVM in CCSv5.2.1 (TI Emulators package 5.0.791.0) on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bits. Basically CCS stays frozen for some minutes and the terminal shows:
TraceCompMgr: PropertiesI.cpp:224: Ice::SyscallException:
syscall exception: no such file or directory
It is basically a similar known issue as shown for Fedora 17 64-bits in the Linux Host Support page, therefore I guess it may affect all 64-bit host Operating Systems.
Later I will try on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bits as well, but considering this distro has even more radical changes to its Graphical User Interface, I don't expect this to work.
Unfortunately I am not really sure what is happening, but it is possible that Trace support is not working in this release (maybe a patch could help with this). I will check if there is a solution to this.
I just managed to get Trace working on my setup - in my case it was a problem with permissions; running CCS with sudo allowed me to collect ETB trace data (check the attached screen).
Unfortunately I don't have a DM3730-based board to test the exact same setup you have, but I wonder if that is happening with you.
Well, the ultimate solution would be to run a sudo chmod -R +r * from inside the CCSv5 install directory (or maybe +rw, but that would open all the installation files and directories for writing to any user).
Hope this helps,
Hello, Thing are starting to look beter after having installed libjpeg62:i386 and appmenu-gtk:i386 (apt-get install libjpeg62:i386 appmenu-gtk:i386).
The startup looks better:
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: OMAP 32K Watchdog Timer is disable
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: Putting DPLL into bypass before proceeding
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: Putting CORE DPLL into bypass before proceeding
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: Locking CORE DPLL
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: PRCM clock configuration IIA setup has been completed
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: SystemClock = 26.0 MHz
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: DPLL_MULT_VALUE = 332
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: DPLL_DIV_VALUE = 25
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: CORE_DPLL_CLK = 664.0 MHz
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: CORE_CLK = 332.0 MHz
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: L3_CLK = 166.0 MHz
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: mDDR Hynix H8KDS0UN0MER - 2048 Mbit(256MB) on CS0, 16M x 32bit x 4Banks
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: Waiting for SDRC DLL to lock...
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: SDRC DLL successfully locked
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: common_sdram_init() completed
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: SDRC initilization for mDDR Hynix H8KDS0UN0MER completed
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: 26MHz clock configuration IIa
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: 26MHz clock configuration IIa
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: CORTEXA8_CORE_VERSION = 0x413FC082
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: Target contains version r3p2 of the CortexA8...
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: Read the ETM_POWER_DOWN_STATUS register...
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: ETM_POWER_DOWN_STATUS = 0x00000001
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: ETM Access is enabled!
Cortex_A8_0: GEL Output: ETM_ID = 0x410CF236
But the ETM configuration still fails with "Trace Channel Error: Cannot initialize ETB. Invalid or un-connected device."
JTRACE: GetConnectedCPUNames: channelServer = 0xcbc9aeb0
JTRACE: GetConnectedCPUNames: channelServer = 0xcbc9aeb0
(Code Composer Studio:19732): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: watch_submenu: assertion `GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL(menu)' failed
(Code Composer Studio:19732): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: watch_submenu: assertion `GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL(menu)' failed
(Code Composer Studio:19732): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: watch_submenu: assertion `GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL(menu)' failed
JTRACE: GetConnectedCPUNames: channelServer = 0xcbc9aeb0
-- cpuName: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/Cortex_A8_0
-- channelState: 20
-- stateDescription: Trace CPU Added
-- channelInitialized: false
-- canStart: false
-- canResume: false
-- canStop: false
-- canUploadData: false
TraceEventHandler(): Ignoring event (eCPUAdded event)
-- cpuName:
-- channelState: 2
-- stateDescription: Show Trace Control
-- channelInitialized: false
-- canStart: false
-- canResume: false
-- canStop: false
-- canUploadData: false
TraceEventHandler(): Ignoring event (cpuName is empty)
-- cpuName: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/Cortex_A8_0
-- channelState: 3
-- stateDescription: Trace Initializing
-- channelInitialized: false
-- canStart: false
-- canResume: false
-- canStop: false
-- canUploadData: false
TraceEventHandler(): Trace Channel became uninitialized (eUnInitialized event received or channelInitialized is false). Reseting trace solution.
-- cpuName: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/Cortex_A8_0
-- channelState: 15
-- stateDescription: Trace Channel Error: Cannot initialize ETB. Invalid or un-connected device.
-- channelInitialized: true
-- canStart: false
-- canResume: false
-- canStop: true
-- canUploadData: false
-- cpuName: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/Cortex_A8_0
-- channelState: 33
-- stateDescription:
-- channelInitialized: true
-- canStart: false
-- canResume: false
-- canStop: false
-- canUploadData: true