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In-band Error seen by IVA_SS at address 0

Hi all,

I'v searched the forum but it seems that the cause of the error is not very clear.

I'm not using any syslink/dsplink, no dsp bios. I developed a simple kernel module to load program into DSP L2RAM. And I have a program which toggles an LED. The code is attached in the end.

I'm using GPIO 186 (Gumstix Overo fire with summit board), Kernel version 3.5. I'm able to see the LED flashes, and my Linux side does not crash, just keep printing this : In-band Error seen by IVA_SS at address 0. I can do reset from my host program to stop DSP from running and end everything.

My questions :

1. DSP MMU is disabled. Is DSP able to access GPIO, or any other L3 connection? I'm not sure how to enable MMU and just do a one-one mapping, like map bus address 0x4809 4000 to VA 0x4809 4000. Where is the translation table supposed sit? 

2. What can be the possible causes of this error? Please give me as much as possible...I only write to GPIO 186...

My code on DSP side:

void main(void) {
	int ret;
	int result=2;
	int loop;
	REG(GPIO6_CTRL) = 0x6;
	ret = REG(GPIO6_OE);
	REG(GPIO6_OE) = ret & 0xFBFFFFFF; //GPIO 186 as output

			result = result+1;
			result = result*5;
			result = result/3;

Thanks a lot !