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Dear all,
I have a TMDSEVM6472,and install the ccsv4,ndk_2_1_0 (comes with the evaluation board), now i'm using it to communicate with GigE camera .
in GVSP protocol (in fact a special UDP ), when I use the frame size less 1500,it's working ok, problem is : How can I use the jumbo frame ?
l see the user guide(spru523.pdf),but not understand, I have add the pre-processor define ( _INCLUDE_JUMBOFRAME_SUPPORT) in the C/C++ Build ---->Pre-define Name of ccs project property.
Does the definiton location right ?
and I'm not find the _jumbo.lib, if this need myself buid ,How can I generate the lib?
Thanks very much!
by ,yanghq
Hi, there. I know how to use Jumbo Packet in EVMC6778. And I want to ask you, how could you control GigE camera in a DSP device? Do you have any describition or source code about the GVCP and GVSP protocol? I also want to use it in DSP, thank you!