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Code Composer clock

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC430F5137, MSP-EXP430FR5739


Clock count under CCS Version does not work, of course all the flags that enable this function are on. Any suggestion?

Thank you

Alessandro Fulignani

  • My own tests, using a CC430F5137 connected via a Olimex JTAG-TINY and a MSP-EXP430FR5739, showed that CCS 5.1 does support Clock count. However, when Clock count is selected the target is not run at full speed. Instead, the debugger single steps the target one instruction at a time to get the Clock count measurement. e.g. it took around 10 minutes elapsed time to get the Clock count for a piece of code which executed approx 2000 clock cycles.

    On the same hardware IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart V5.40.3 is able to get the Clock count measurement with the target running at full speed.

    Not sure why CCS 5.1 doesn't support the Clock count measurement with the target running at full speed, and haven't found any options to change it.

  • Alessandro Fulignani said:
    Clock count under CCS Version does not work, of course all the flags that enable this function are on. Any suggestion?

    Which debug interface are you using?

    Previously with CCS 5.2 found that the clock count did work with a MSP-EXP430FR5739, but with a MSP-FET430UIF the clock count reported was always zero. The problem when using a MSP-FET430UIF was using the MSP430.dll version

    Today loaded the latest CCS 5.2 updates, the MSP430.dll was updated to version and with the MSP-FET430UIF the clock count is now working (albeit stepping runs more slowly when the clock count is enabled as previously noted with an Olimex Olimex JTAG-TINY)

  • Thank you Chester. Now, after the update of my ccsv5 to the CLK counter is displaying data ! Of course wrong as usual.

    It is very fun because in the clk counter my MSP430F 5638 Rev D is faster then a rocket, but when i put the oscillscope on the pin, to chek for the real time....the CPU come back to true.

    What can i say? It is better to switch off this function, i think. I will wait for the next update... i will be more lucky !

    Thank you !

    Test instructions (From the msp430f5xx user's manual)

                add        #33,&temp
                MOV     R5,&temp
                XOR     @R5,&temp
                ADD     4(R4),6(R9)
                XORX.B  2(R6),temp
                XORX     #0A5A5h,temp
                ANDX.B  &temp,4(R6)

    Alessandro Fulignani

  • Chester Gillon said:
    However, when Clock count is selected the target is not run at full speed. Instead, the debugger single steps the target one instruction at a time to get the Clock count measurement

    Indeed. Clock counting seems to work by reading the actual instruciton and pickign its execution time (in clock cycles) from a table, then executing it with single-stepping.

    So the MSP doesn't count the clock cycles, the debugger tracks the actual execution chain and calculates the cycles based on a cycle table.

    Since all MSP instructions have a fixed execution time, this works fine without any hardware cycle counting support.
    (On X86, many instrucitons have a variable execution time, depending on parameter values or register contents, so the Pentium got its internal hardware cycle counter)

    If course, this kind of cycle counting utterly fails if one tries to measure the excution time of code that waits for a hardware event - especially an external one. Since single-stepping is terribly slow, but external hardware events happen when they happen, the 'counted' execution time of a waiting loop is short, while in full-speed mode, it is way longer (in terms of clock cycles). External events are, beside e.g. incoming SPI /I2C data transfers, also ADC conversion or timer capture or port interrupts.

  • Jens-Michael Gross said:
    If course, this kind of cycle counting utterly fails if one tries to measure the excution time of code that waits for a hardware event - especially an external one.

    I agree, the first time I tried to use cycle counting was to measure the total number of cycles taken by an ISR which was a combination of processing and busy waits for a SPI communication. When I discovered that CCS was single stepping the ISR one instruction at a time once the cycle counter was enabled, it made the measurement completely invalid.

    Jens-Michael Gross said:
    Indeed. Clock counting seems to work by reading the actual instruciton and pickign its execution time (in clock cycles) from a table, then executing it with single-stepping.

    As I tried to explain earlier, with IAR the cycle counter measurement appears to be done with the target running at full speed, whereas CCS forces single stepping once the cycle counter is enabled. If I can determine what IAR does differently, then will raise a request to get CCS "fixed" to operate in the same way. (I have a full license for CCS, but only a code size limited IAR license, hence the desire to get CCS fixed) 

    The MSP430 EEM is documented as containing one or more Cycle Counters (number depends on type of EEM). However, the documentation I have found isn't specific on exactly how the EEM Cycle Counter operates (in terms of when clocked / reset / read out). Not sure if that is because TI haven't released detailed EEM documentation for IP reasons.

  • Chester Gillon said:
    The MSP430 EEM is documented as containing one or more Cycle Counters (number depends on type of EEM).

    IIRC, there is no EEM documentation at all for the older MSPs. The 1611 datasheet only tells 'there is an EEM that allows great things for debugging'. That's all.
    I guess there were no cycle counters in earlier EEMs and therefore CCS never bothered using them.

    One more advantage of the 'single steppign' approach: the EEM cycle counter owuld count the cycles of interrupting ISRs too. The single-stepping approach won't as the next 'step' breakpoint would simple ignore the ISR execution.

    However, IAR has a built-in simulator which can of course run cycle-counting without the slow single-stepping overhead. It won't work with hardware events, of course. Maybe that's the explanation for your apparently 'full speed' counting.
    I don't think that IAR will implement a feature that requires in-depth information for some specific hardware while CCS won't. Of course it' spossible, just not tha tlikely. I'd expect TI taking advantage of new and rather hidden hardware features first. :)

  • Hi dear,

    As explained before i tryed the clk count with fixed instruction taken from the F5xx manual. My test has been done with INT disabled and using the assembly step by step function.

    And the clk count differ costantly by several clk count.

    As example                                                            CLK Count on manual (SLAU208J)                               CLK displayedt by CCSV5

                 add          #33,&temp                                                       5 clk                                                                               3 clk
                MOV         R5,&temp                                                         4 clk                                                                               2 clk                                                                      
                XOR         @R5,&temp                                                     5 clk                                                                               3 clk                                                                     
                ADD         4(R4),6(R9)                                                      6 clk                                                                               5 clk                                                                        
                XORX.B   2(R6),temp                                                       5 clk                                                                               6 clk                                                                        
                XORX       #0A5A5h,temp                                                 6 clk                                                                              4  clk                                                         
                ANDX.B   &temp,4(R6)                                                    7 clk                                                                               6 cllk

    Code Composer Studio


    Licensed to Alessandro Fulignani

  • Alessandro Fulignani said:
                XORX.B   2(R6),temp                                                       5 clk                                                                               6 clk

    I don't think this one is right. The X instrucitons have another cycle for the extension word.
    And "XOR x(Rn), TONI" is 6 cycles, so in total 7 for XORX,

    However, due to instruction prefetch, you cannot really use the cycle counter on one individual instruction.
    Nevertheless, the CCS output is obviously wrong. The maximum error due to this is +-1 for the total command chain, depending on the last instruction in the chain. But some individual readings are 2 off, which is simply wrong, even if taking the prefetch jitter into accoount (and on the instructions you used, there is no prefetch at all, since they all write to memory as their last action).

  • Thank you Mr Jens-Michael Gross.

    But i wonder how usuful is a CLK count function that in fact does not work correctly.

    Just to be annoying, the errors in 20Bit instructions is +- 4 Bits


  • Alessandro Fulignani said:
    But i wonder how usuful is a CLK count function that in fact does not work correctly.

    I don't wonder - i know it's useless :)

    Alessandro Fulignani said:
    Just to be annoying, the errors in 20Bit instructions is +- 4 Bits

    Looks like they are reading the info from a wrong table. Or, maybe they use the hardware counter and the function is buggy, either the hardware in MSP or the MSP430.dll.
    Or both ;)

  • Jens-Michael Gross said:
    Looks like they are reading the info from a wrong table. Or, maybe they use the hardware counter and the function is buggy, either the hardware in MSP or the MSP430.dll.
    Or both ;)

    slac460c now has the source code for the cycle counter measurement in the MSP430.dll. I haven't (yet) examined all the code, but there are the following types of EEM:

    typedef enum EMEX_MODE {
         /// Device has no Emex module.
         EMEX_NONE = 0,
         /// Device Emex module has two breakpoints.
         EMEX_LOW = 1,
         /// Device Emex module has three breakpoints and range comparison.
         EMEX_MEDIUM = 2,
         /// Device Emex module has eight breakpoints, range comparison, state storage, and trigger sequencer,
         EMEX_HIGH = 3,
         /// Device Emex module has 2 breakpoints and range comparison
         EMEX_EXTRA_SMALL_5XX = 4,
         /// Device Emex module has 4 breakpoints and range comparison
         EMEX_SMALL_5XX = 5,
         /// Device Emex module has 6 breakpoints, range comparison and trigger sequencer,
         EMEX_MEDIUM_5XX =6,
         /// Device Emex module has 8 or 10 breakpoints, range comparison, state storage, and trigger sequencer,
        EMEX_LARGE_5XX = 7
    } EMEX_MODE_t;

    If (emulationLevel >= EMEX_EXTRA_SMALL_5XX) then the cycle counter inside the MSP EEM is read, otherwise the MSP430.dll counts the clock cycles in software. i.e. the results may be different depending the device:
     1, 2, 3 and 4 series counted in the MSP430.dll software with 5 and 6 series counted in the MSP EEM harware?

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