Hi all -
I apologize in advance is this issue has already been discussed. My Wifi connection is extremely bad here and not feasable to review even the few posts in this forum.
Having big problems installing Grace. Miserably difficult to find install point for XDC Tools, which Grace requires.
I am an long time MSP430 hobbyist and recently. I use the IAR Embedded Workbench to program my EZ430-MSPF2013.
I recently recieved an invite to join the Grace beta program and was VERY excited. This invite also made me realize that there is a free version of Code Composer that I could use.
1. Install, license and activate free version of Code Composer Studio v4 (
1b.Install XDC Tools from http://software-dl.ti.com/dsps/dsps_public_sw/sdo_sb/targetcontent/rtsc/.
2. Follow instructions in Grace beta invitation to install Grace.
3. Fail at step 3: Click checkbox for the "Target Content Updates"
RESULT: No such checkbox or selection. Grace fails to update.
ERROR: "Grace ( requires feature "org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools_3.21 (", or compatible.
COMMENTS: I searched far and wide for the latest version of XDC Tools -- apparently the XDC Tools install point is some huge $^#% secret. I found one page with about 5 screens of info on how to install XDC Tools and nowhere did it mention the insall point. Seriously? 5 pages on how to install a product and no mention of WHERE to get the setup? Shouldn't that be line 1?
I was finally able to install v3.20.05 from (http://software-dl.ti.com/dsps/dsps_public_sw/sdo_sb/targetcontent/rtsc/) but I could not find any version newer than that.
This was really frustrating. On the updside, I THINK I can now use CCS 4 to program my MSP430F2013. The downside is that the beta setup instructions created SUCH a run-around that 3/4 of my weekend is gone and nothing was accomplished except this report.
Thank you.
David Ferreira