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Bug in TivaWare/driverlib/adc.c? (ADCIntUnregister)


I'm looking at the ADC module, and when checking what the driverlib functions actually do, I stumbled across this thing that I think is a bug. It seems that the (internal to the driverlib) function _ADCIntNumberGet always returns the interrupt number from ADC0:

static uint_fast8_t
_ADCIntNumberGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32SequenceNum)
    uint_fast8_t ui8Int;

    // Determine the interrupt to register based on the sequence number.
        ui8Int = ((ui32Base == ADC0_BASE) ?
                  (INT_ADC0SS0_BLIZZARD + ui32SequenceNum) :
                  (INT_ADC0SS0_BLIZZARD + ui32SequenceNum));
        ui8Int = 0;


Shouldn't the caret-marked constant be INT_ADC1SS0_BLIZZARD instead?

Interestingly, that function is only used once, in ADCIntUnregister. In ADCIntRegister, where similar functionality is required, it is provided inline, without a call to _ADCIntNumberGet. In ADCIntRegister, the alternative result of the ternary operator has INT_ADC1SS0_BLIZZARD, as is expected.

I'm looking at TivaWare version 1.1.



  • Veikko Immonen said:
    Shouldn't the caret-marked constant be INT_ADC1SS0_BLIZZARD instead?

    From looking at the code agree.
    Veikko Immonen said:
    I'm looking at TivaWare version 1.1
    This appears to a bug introduced by TivaWare, since StellarisWare version 9453 doesn't have this bug.

     In StellarisWare there is no _ADCIntNumberGet function and both ADCIntRegister and ADCIntUnregister use 

        // Determine the interrupt to unregister based on the sequence number.
        ulInt = ((ulBase == ADC0_BASE) ? (INT_ADC0SS0 + ulSequenceNum) :
                 (INT_ADC1SS0 + ulSequenceNum));
  • Okay, now I've got to say I'm puzzled and disappointed. This bug has escalated, it now affects also ADCIntRegister, in the newest revision of TivaWare (

    ADCIntRegister too now calls _ADCIntNumberGet, as can be seen in the excerpt below:

    ADCIntRegister(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32SequenceNum,
                   void (*pfnHandler)(void))
        uint_fast8_t ui8Int;
        // Check the arguments.
        ASSERT((ui32Base == ADC0_BASE) || (ui32Base == ADC1_BASE));
        ASSERT(ui32SequenceNum < 4);
        // Determine the interrupt to register based on the sequence number.
        ui8Int = _ADCIntNumberGet(ui32Base, ui32SequenceNum);
        ASSERT(ui8Int != 0);
        // Register the interrupt handler.
        IntRegister(ui8Int, pfnHandler);
        // Enable the timer interrupt.

    _ADCIntNumberGet has been updated with new labels since my last post, but unfortunately the bug has not been corrected:

    static uint_fast8_t
    _ADCIntNumberGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32SequenceNum)
        uint_fast8_t ui8Int;
        // Determine the interrupt to register based on the sequence number.
            ui8Int = ((ui32Base == ADC0_BASE) ?
                      (INT_ADC0SS0_TM4C123 + ui32SequenceNum) :
                      (INT_ADC0SS0_TM4C123 + ui32SequenceNum)); // <-- problem!
        else if(CLASS_IS_TM4C129)
            ui8Int = ((ui32Base == ADC0_BASE) ?
                      (INT_ADC0SS0_TM4C129 + ui32SequenceNum) :
                      (INT_ADC1SS0_TM4C129 + ui32SequenceNum));
            ui8Int = 0;

    Interestingly enough, the added code for the 129 series is correct. Not much proofreading done there?

    I'd hope someone from the TivaWare team would care to comment. I've just spent a day debugging my uDMA-enabled ADC code that works perfectly fine with ADC0 but hangs in the interrupt handler when using ADC1 - no wonder anymore!

  • Agree, some  more direct feedback from TI and preferably a member of TivaWare team would be appreciated.

  • Hello Veikko,

    I can confirm the issue (was raised in the forum a couple of months back) and this has been marked for fixing in the next TivaWare release.



  • Thanks Amit, good to know.

  • Good to know bug reports get through :D