1. What is the 'on' resistance of the outputs in the TLC59116 (the current mode IC)?
2. The TLC59116 (TSSOP package) gets hot and nearly goes into thermal shutdown when we run 16 strings of LEDs at 50 mA. Is that to be expected? We think we can get away with using the IC because we will be using the quad package which has higher dissipation.
3. The problem described in 2. does not exist with the TLC59116F (the open drain IC) running the same 16 strings. It runs cool. Why is that?
4. What is the instantaneous peak current at the TLC59116 output when running 2 LEDs in series from 5V with 33 ohms in series, and when running 6 LEDs in series from 15V with 33 ohms in series? Rext at the IC is set to 360 ohms, which should be for an average current of about 50 mA.