Hi Kevin Raman,
A plot like the one shown below means that the frequency response nulls occur when the ratio of the input frequency to the selected data rate = 1. So, if fIN = 50 Hz, then fDATA (the sample rate) should equal 50 SPS. To get both 50 and…
Part Number: AM2634-Q1 Hi BU experts,
In TRM, there are 4 options for ADC output code:
And it's said that the program can change the adcX_cfg_1p1v register by following steps:
I can find the above registers' declaration in SDK:
But from application…
Hi Yivi Chan,
I am confused about what you are trying to accomplish here: you want to both measure 50 Hz signals (presumably for metrology calculations on power lines), and also reject them? That doesn't really make any sense
If you have unwanted…
Part Number: MSP430FR6043 Hello,
I have a question for USS SW Library.
Regarding the algorithms APIs, it is pre-compiled code and the source code is not open. Do the customer need to use it as the binary code for their production? Or is it any way to open…
Hi Yunfeng,
Can you provide some more details on your application?
There is some metrology code available on TI.com that can be used to pull SW from.
You can find the metrology code in the MSPM0 SDK. This code can be accessed through code composer studio…
I have questions about the _USS_Algorithms_Results_ structure definition parameters,
Does volumeFlowRate refer to flow rate or flow volume?
Kind regards,
Part Number: TMS320F28388D Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE Hello everyone, I would like to use the SPI-Interface in high-speed mode. I want to talk to two different Devices. So I need two ChipSelects. I can control those via GPIOs before the SPI…
Well, the difficult part is how to receive valid signal and get it captured by ADC. A distance of 1 meter will attenuate a lot of the energy of the sound wave. And make it very hard to receive. You need to think of some method to receive the signal…
Hello Katsuki,
Did I understand correctly that the yellow signal is the voltage across the HB capacitor (from HB to SW)? It should not be switching so much. Maybe you can show me a zoomed in version which just shows a few cycles.
Maybe you need to use a…
Chaithanya Nagirimadugu said: 3. Is "Iq_ref" setting sufficient to run the motor as generator? if yes, then PWM error will chnage accordingly right?
Hi Chaithanya,
To what end is the bigger question not ever being addressed in that forum posting…