Part Number: ADC08D1020 Hi all,
I want to use this ADC to sample data at 800MSPS. I was thinking of using an 800MHZ clock for that. The sampled data need to be put in a DDR4 memory. Can I directly clock in the memory by providing the same clock to DDR4…
Part Number: ADC08D1020 Customer found these two problems that are not consistent with the description in the DS when they use ADC08D1020, Hoe can get your confirmation.
1. About CALRUN
As shown in the figure 2 below, it is the peripheral circuit of ADC08D1020…
Part Number: ADC08D1020 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC08D1000 , Hi team,
What is the difference between ADC08D1020 and ADC08D1000 except for bandwidth?
Can you provide a comparison table? thanks
Part Number: ADC08D1020 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC08D1000 One of our designs is migrating from the ADC08D1000 to the ADC08D1020. The FPGA designers are asking about the setup and hold times on the data interfaces. The ADC08D1000 datasheet has…
Part Number: ADC08D1020 Are the Pin Descriptions correct for PD (Pin 26) and PDQ (Pin 29) ? (See page 4 of the March 2013 datasheet).
It almost appears that the description for the PDQ Pin belongs to the PD pin (and vice versa).
Can you check and verify…
Part Number: ADC08D1520RB Hi, team
One customer have the ADC08D1520RB evaluation board. I'd like to evaluate the ADC08D1020 using the '1520 board. Can the '1520 be lifted out, and replaced by a '1020, and used directly on the board? (The packages…
Hi Rob,
Could You please answer Didier's questions;
Maybe another thing to check: Are there any variations into the ADC08D1020 chips? Could there be any difference between the part I am exercising and the part you are exercising? Is there a way to check…
Part Number: ADC08D1020 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC08D1520 In the datasheet for ADC08D1020, it is recommended to use a ferrite choke (Miller FB20009-3B) to isolate the Va and Vdr from the 1.9V power supply.
Looking at the reference board for ADC08D1520…
Part Number: ADC08D1020 With the latest lot of these ADC's I am seeing Q-channel oddities if a calibration is performed after device usage/warm-up. If the device is power on from ambient storage the power-on cal is run and subsequently an on-demand…
And another thing is that, if I want to use ADC08D1020, does LMH6518 is enough to driver the ADC, how about the output current of the LMH6518, does is also need another ADC driver in the design.