Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1224 Hi Bob
I really appreciate your help.
There is another question:
Q: Under what condition or application would you recommend enabling the buffer inside ADS1224?
I do understand the enabled buffer will increase the…
Part Number: ADS1224 Hi team
My customer wants to know how well the frequency response near 50Hz and 60Hz if using the 870kHz fCLK? Datasheet only display the response curve with fCLK = 910kHz in figure 22.
Due to the accuracy issue, my customer can't…
Part Number: ADS1224 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1220 , ADS1226 Hi
Our customer simulated the transmission-line model with IBIS model(ads1224.ibis: Ver 3.2). {ADS1224 ~ Line ~ MCU}
However the "drdy_dout_5" does not output.(It means the output…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1224 , ADS1248 , ADS1220 What is the noise of the ADS1224? It says in the datasheet on page 3 that the noise is 0.8e-6 of the FSR. If I figure the FSR is a 5V span, this is 6uV-rms of noise, which would be 21 counts of…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1224 , HALCOGEN Hi
I have to interface ADS1224 with RM48l90pge
I think to do this with spi2 pins which are sclk and somi pins for communication and cs0 and cs1 for mux controlling (behaves as IO pins)
to recive th data…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1224 , MSP430F5438A , TUSB3410 , OPA350 Hello
I am looking for a sample code which explains me the SPI interface between MSP430F5438a and ADS1224. .
It would be great if you could attach some working files.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1224 Hello Guys,
I am trying to use ADS1224 24 bit ADC with PIC18F4420 controller. Can anyone help me how to read the data and send to hyper terminal (bit by bit is ok)
I am able to get some value, but it is…
Part Number: MSP430FR6989 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1224 , , INA233 , INA223 , ENERGYTRACE Hi, thanks for coming help!
I am looking for a solution to measure energy of low power embedded systems, including MSP430 mcus.
I know about ETT, but it is…
Part Number: ADS1248 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1251 , ADS1225 , ADS1222 , ADS1224 , ADS1226 Hi,
I would like to ask you a simple question about the calibration.
The data sheet of ADS1248 describes about calibration as below. (40page)
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1242 , ADS1232 , ADS1234 , ADS1224 , ADS1248 , ADS1220 Hi, I have a requirement to receive in one 0-20mA and one 4-20mA current loop. I'm looking for an IC(s) for each. I'm using the STM32F427VIT6 uc. There are 3 ADC…