Part Number: ADS4222
I just see it's recommended to use differential input for best performance.
But if I use single end CMOS clock input, how to make it precisely calculate the reduced performance?
Then I can decided to use it or not.
Part Number: THS4551 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA810 , ADS4222 , THS4521 , , TINA-TI
Need your help to review the schematic.
1) The application is for measure voltage from u0adc_in or u1adc_in from -100V to 100V. This application is likely…
Part Number: ADS4222 FPGA is used to drive clock input. I don't see it matches to any of kind mentioned in datasheet page54 9.3.2.
Which circuit should I use?
Part Number: ADS4222 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS4521 , Please see below schematic.
1) Is Rload required for the design?
2) Is two Ro (49.9 ohm) required for the design?
3) How to decide the resistor value for Ro and Rload?
Part Number: ADS4222 Hello,
I get the sample clock frequency (30-60 Mhz) riding on the input analog signal. See image example below of a sine wave.
Of course when the device is reset (not clocked) the input signal looks smooth.
I'm trying to understand…
Part Number: ADS4222
Currently Testing the ADS4222EVM with TSW1400EVM.
Providing the Input channel A with 300mVpp sinewave with 5MHZ and clock signal sine wave 1Vpp 64MHZ.
Images as below.
The question is How to see the voltage level proper sinewave…
Part Number: ADC12DL040 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12D040 , , ADS4222 , ADC3643 Tool/software: Hi team,
Does TI have similar specs like AD9231? ADC12DL040 or ADC12D040?
But INL and DNL are worse than ADC12D040. Do you have a better solution? tha…
Part Number: ADS4222 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS1 , CDCLVD2102 , CDCLVP1102 Hi,
Is there any alternate part to generate Differential clock for ADS4222.
ADT4-1WT seems cost is high and sourcing not available in commercial websites, only available…
Part Number: ADS4222 Dear team,
I have three questions about using ADS4222EVM, could you please help on those questions? Thank you.
1. I used ADS4222EVM+ TWS1405EVM and used HSDC pro to capture input signal.
When I feed:
Input Amp:-50dBm; Freq:1MHz at…
Part Number: ADS4222 Hi,
The datasheet of ADS4222 says that the sampling clock input can be LVCMOS clock with swing of 1.5V typical.
Can I provide a LVCMOS clock of 1.8V swing to the ADS4222 ?