Part Number: ADS8904B Tool/software: Hello,
i'm using the ADS8904 in a design successfully, but i just realized that the voltage at the DECAP pin is way higher (3,4V - 3,5V) than it should be according to the datasheet (2,85V).
99% of the boards…
Part Number: ADS8904B Hi! The ADC is configured with these values in the registers: PD_CNTL = 0x00 SDI_CNTL = 0x00 (default SDI mode) SDO_CNTL = 0x0F (external SCLK, SDR, Data are output on SDO[0..3], SDO follow the source-synchronous protocol) DATA_CNTL…
Part Number: ADS8904B I'm looking at the circuit in section 8.2.1 of the datasheet. In this circuit, ”AIN to GND” is input up to 5V for REFIN = 4.5V.
This exceeds the Absolute Maximum Ratings of Analog Input (AINP, AINM) to GND, VREF +…
Part Number: ADS8904B We are considering new adoption of ADS8904B.
From the specifications of the product under development, the ADC is single-ended input.
SAR with high resolution (19bit or more) is required.
I would like to use the ADS8904B with the…
Part Number: ADS8904B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8881 , Hi,
I just want to confirm that it's *not* possible to drive the AINP input with a single-ended signal while the AINM input is connected to a fixed DC voltage. I believe this approach can…
Part Number: ADS8904B
For a variety of reasons, I would like to be able to use the same voltage rail (= 3.3V) that supplies the RVDD input to supply the VREF input as well. I realize this would violate the maximum recommended voltage for the VREF…
Part Number: THS4551 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8904B
I have a couple of questions pertaining to the usage of the THS4551 as the single-ended to differential driver of the ADS8904B. This use case is depicted in Figure 111 of the ADS8904B…
Part Number: ADS8904B
Hello, Can we please request for the expected input capacitance of the SCK pin?
Also, by adding a series resistance to the SCK input, can it possibly reduce/prevent the SCK clock noise from coupling to the ADC inputs?
Thank you!
Part Number: ADS8904B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8900BEVM-PDK , ADS8900B We're considering using the ADS8904B for a new design. Looking for an evaluation board to test performance and also to test software interface. Part's web page links to…