Part Number: AMC1351 Tool/software: Hey Amplifiers Team,
I have a customer evaluating the AMC1351 for a new project and we were hoping to get a better sense of what the variation of the gain would be.
In the datasheet a TYP value of 0.4V/V is reported…
Part Number: AMC1351-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV313-Q1 Tool/software: I am designing a circuit to detect voltage with a detection range of 800V through isolation using the AMC1351-Q1.
I am considering the circuit constants using the "IsolatedAmplifierVoltageSensingExcelCalculatorRevC…
Part Number: AMC1351-Q1 Tool/software: Section (snippet below) talks about the design requirements for the input filter to the isolator.
Is this saying to design the input filter such that the cutoff frequency is >2MHz?
Does the input capacitance…
Part Number: AMC1351 Tool/software: Dear team,
could you please provide the instruction or hint of using AMC1351 as the single ended output isolated AMP?
For voltage sensing. they originally used the following topology for sensing, but now they want…
Part Number: AMC1351
Dear.Ti Team
We tested AMC1351 fail safe mode.
We are using AMC1351 as single-ended. (VOUTN = short to GND)
When VDD1(VDD IN) is off(0V) and VDD2(VDD out) is ON(3.3V), VOUTP(V(fail-safe)) is measured approximatly…
Dear Eva,
Thank you for your support.
Customer's application is RF module of beauty device.
Where can I find Tina model of AMC1351-Q1?
Or could you find the model of PSpice for internal use?
Best regards,
Part Number: AMC1351 Tool/software: Hi team
Are there any possibiiity that gain drift can be varied depending on the input voltage?
For example: 20 ppm at 1-V input, 5 ppm at 5-V input
The gain drift, 35ppm/℃ is large for customer, so they are looking…
Part Number: AMC1351
Dear Team,
could you please confirm the assumption that the specified gain for the AMC1351 in the data sheet is incorrect. Does it not have to be the value 0.2V/V for the output refered to GND? This at least comes out if you look…
Part Number: AMC1351-Q1 Hello team,
Good morning.
For the high voltage DC measurement we are using AMC1351-Q1 (single ended input and differential output). To perform the Mote-Carlo LTspice simulations for the worst case circuit analysis we have used the…
Part Number: AMC1351 Hi Team,
My understanding is that if +5V is measured on RSNS, OUTP to OUTN will generate a voltage of +2V, so the ratio is 5:2. Is this understanding correct?
But when I saw the waveform diagram in 8.2.3 in the specification book…