Part Number: AMC1400 Tool/software: Hello TI
Is it safe to use AMC1400 for AC voltage sensing? Will it give satisfactory results? If it can be used, can you please provide design guidelines to implement AMC1400 for AC voltage sensing?
Part Number: AMC1400 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1300 Tool/software: Hello
I am planning to purchase AMC1400 for my project. I want to simulate to see the accuracy of AMC1400. I'm unable to find its spice model in TI website. I request you to…
Part Number: AMC1400-Q1 Tool/software: Hello, I'm looking to source/design an isolation amplifier solution that will measure millivolt or lower level signals on a power bus (basically trying to measure series resistance of a portion of the bus via a…
Part Number: AMC1400 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1411 Tool/software: Hi,
1. Please let us know how to use AMC1400 for voltage measurement application AC and DC, we need a gain of 8.2.
2. PLease let us know if there are any limitations in the…
Part Number: AMC1400 Tool/software: I am considering a method for current sensing on the high-side of a -5000VDC power supply source. source current is about 0 to 500uA.
Looking at the AMC1400 datasheet, the actual operating voltage is about 2000V, which…
Part Number: AMC1400 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1411 , Tool/software: Dears:
AMC1400 and AMC1411 has the same package, but has different isolation performance, Could I have your support to know the reason ? Thanks.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1400 Has AMC1400 started mass production? Is there a limited purchase for China? I'm afraid that I won't be able to buy products in bulk because no major mall can deliver them.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA226 , AMC1400 我需要检测电流,使用了75MV分流器,INA226可以精确的测量,然后通过隔离I2C传输。但是系统上了1500V,我想知道AMC1400是否适用?AMC1400范围250MV,在75MV上,前级输入误差会不会太大。哪种方案更好?是否有75MV的隔离放大器?
Part Number: AMC1400-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1411-Q1 , AMC1300 , AMC1311 Hello,
Can you direct me to the TI Spice models for the amc1400-q1 and amc1411-q1 devices?