Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Tool/software: I want to control an induction motor using F28739D and 3PHGANINV.
Through the F28379D's epwm example, I created 6 waveforms (epwm1A~epwm3B) with the frequency I wanted (60Hz).
I use 3PHGANINV, but I couldn…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE , TMS320F28069M , , TMS320F28379D Tool/software: I am a DSP beginner. Thank you always for your help.
When I started studying 28379D, I downloaded C2000Ware and there were example…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Tool/software:
The manual contains C:\ti\motorware\motorware_1_01_00_18\sw\solutions\instaspin_foc\boards\boostxl-
It says there is a file 3PhGanInv\f28x\f2806xF\projects\ccs. I don't have any. Do I need…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Tool/software:
user_guide so I followed it from the beginning until 2.4.3.
I followed 2.4.3 and got the following error:
(I didn't debug it, I just built it.)
Most of the errors are the same as those of "First Defined…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Tool/software: I connected F28379D and 3PHGANINV.
F28379D to 3PHGANINV
J5 ---- J1
J7 ---- J3
J6 ---- J2
J8 ---- J4
The signal output of EPWM 1a to EPWM 3b of F28379D is designated as numbers 80…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28379D , C2000WARE , MOTORWARE
I would like to know the differences between the example files.
I am studying using only example files without any prior knowledge.
I was…
Pls share the error that you are observing.
Open the Target Configuration file (.ccxml) in Code Composer Studio IDE. Click on the Advanced tab and select JTAG (1149.1) SWD and cJTAG are disabled
Make sure that the target configuration is set up…
Part Number: TMS320F28379D Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE , , BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV , C2000WARE-MOTORCONTROL-SDK , C2000WARE Tool/software: Hi,
I have just started playing with this combination, for running a permanent magnet motor, however there…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-F280049C Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8320 , BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV , C2000WARE Tool/software: LAUNCHXL-F280049C+LAUNCHXL-F280049C,Using the routine is07_speed_control_coff with no pwm output, his is due to HAL_getTripFaults(halHandle…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Hi, I received two boostxl-3PhGanInv boards from a customer to use with two launchpadxl F28069M boards. When going through SLUUBP1A, the document suggests that there are 5 source files provided with the EVM software package…