Part Number: BUF802RGTEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BUF802 , TLV3601 , SN74AUC1G17 Tool/software: BUF802 part may be applied for my current design, which I can inject a 150 MHz Digital Signal and can adjust DC offset down to negative region as shown…
Part Number: BUF802 Tool/software: Hello
Are the BUF802RGTEVM design files available? It appears that they are in Altium and it would be very useful to have access to the original files instead of recreating schematics and critical layout from scratch…
Eldho George Do you have the files of our AC evaluation board to be shared here.
Also please note the -3dB mentioned @ 3GHz in the datasheet is the attenuation @ 3GHz compared to that of the attenuation @ DC. At DC as per datasheet the attenuation is…
Yes for standalone BUF802 without any composite loop you should be able to achieve -3dB number of 3GHz
However if you want to achieve good S11 and have the composite loop with the BUF802 , you will be able to achieve < 2Ghz of LSBW for -3dB.
Part Number: BUF802RGTEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BUF802 Hello,
I am interested in purchasing BUF802RGTEVM. I would like to know if it is a populated board or not. Also, if you have some info about the bandwidth when the board is modified for…
Part Number: BUF802RGTEVM Hello,
I saw in this thread that a BOM would be available soon. Can I get it?
Want to see the type…
Part Number: BUF802RGTEVM Hi
I would like to know how to connect with Pin 9/13/16.
-Because NC for those pins in datasheet
-They still have connection with VEE or VCC in EVB design.
Please let us know how to connect with pin 9/13/16 for design.
Part Number: BUF802RGTEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BUF802 Hello,
My customer is interested in BUF802 and would like to work on it. If they look at the EVM picture, it doesn't populate the IC. My customer would like to use the EVM as stand-alone…
Part Number: BUF802RGTEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BUF802 , Hello,
When I asked if the EVM will come with the IC populated or not, I got answer that it will as attached, but the EVM my customer received today has neither IC populated nor IC sent…