Part Number: CC430F5137 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , MSP-GANG Tool/software: Code Composer Studio We are using CC430F5137 for our design and we are using Uniflash_4.6.0 as the flashing tool.
And we need flashing at a certain address of CC430F5137…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS560200 , TPS62172 , SIMPLICITI , I am developing a project based on cc430f5137. This is a wireless network based on Simpliciti. The power supply of the microcontroller cc430f5137 is made from a pulse…
Part Number: CC430F5137 In our projects, CC430F5137 is used in several designs. Generally, we have used ABS07-32.768KHZ-T as LF crystal of CC430F5137. Can we use "FC-135R 32.7680KA-AC3" as LF crystal instead of ABS07-32.768KHZ-T by recalculating…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Hello Team,
The AXM0F243-1-TX40 from ON Semi has an integrated FEC. The CC430F5137’s FEC is software-based. Could you please advise on the impact of the FEC on the code execution? How much processing power will it take from the…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1101 Hi,
I use CC430F5137 CONTINUOUSLY in Rx mode. Is it necessary to do RF calibration periodically?
Best regards,
Part Number: CC430F5137 Dear engineers
I want to lower the main clock to reduce the power0consumption. My application is low power wireless sensor node. Now, the transmitter excutes this loop: task -sleep (lpm3) for 200ms -task.... the timer…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1111EMK868-915 Hi,
I am not sure how to phrase my question correctly as I am not sure what the root cause might be. I will try to give some background:
I have a system of CC430 where multiple nodes…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler Dear experts,
My embedded firmware currently has a case of the program "running into the weeds". My suspicion is that a function pointer or the stack itself somehow gets corrupted, but its at best…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Dear gurus!
I can not understand why the balun for 433 MHz in the filter circuit L5, L6, L7, C28, C29 (CC430F5137 datasheet page 86 figure 27 and table 48) lost almost 5 dBm? What am I doing wrong…
Part Number: CC430F5137 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio I want to use MS5803 with cc430f5137 but have a error
#include "MS5803.h" #include <cc430f5137.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "General.h"…