Part Number: CDCLVP111-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCLVP111-SP Hello.
I would like to use your clock driver IC (CDCLVP111-EP).
Input Interface Level of CDCLVP111-EP is LVPECL, but I would like to use LVDS.
Design sheet of CDCLVP111-EP does not…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Hello, My customer plans to use CDCLVP111-SP to distribute 6x 100MHz differential LVPECL output. In this case how much the device internal power dissipation would be at maximum? Best regards, K.Hirano
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2694-SEP LMX2694 datasheet calls for AC termination on the input, with the caps on the receiver side of the termination resistors. The recommended termination resistors on the driver side are…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Hello,
I'm looking for a Spice model of the CDCLVP111-SP. I see there's an IBIS model, but not a spice model. There is not an entry in PSpice for TI either. Would it be possible to post or send the spice model for this device…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCLVP111 Hello team,
I have a quick confirmation.
In the use case of CDCLVP111-EP with LVDS input, we can't find a description for a input termination requirement on the CDCLVP111-EP datasheet…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Hello, My customer has questions about “Single-Event Effects Test Report for CDCLVP111-SP 1:10 LVPECL Clock Distributor” Q1: On the Figure10 on page 13, which output are measured, Q0, Q9 or total Q0 and Q9? Q2…
Hi Kazuhiko,
It seems like their is a misunderstanding with how the spec is written in the datasheet. This specification is for comparator threshold voltage variation region. Max spec specify that if the CLK_SEL level is higher than that then it would…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCLVP111 , According to the CDCLVP111-SP datasheet, the input differential voltage must be between 0.5V(min) and 1.3V(max). However, when a PECL driver is interfaced to CDCLVP111 in AC-coupled…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCLVP111
The answers to previous questions about single-ended inputs are inadequate. Is it really true that the max VID for a single leg is 1.3V, such that the part will be damaged by a 3.3V…
Part Number: CDCLVP111-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCLVP111EVM-CVAL Data sheet does not specify leakage current but there is interest in knowing:
why is it not specified in the data sheet?
what is the expected leakage current value?
what value…