Part Number: CDCM6208V2EVM Hi,
Is there a BOM for this EVM too?
Also interested in the project file instead of gerber itself, if you have it, the gerber file is very hard to understand and there is no schematics that matches the gerber!
Part Number: CDCM6208V2EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCM6208 On the TICSPro software, there is no option to specify LVPECL as the input reference type. I see the circuit in figure 18 of the CDCM6208 datasheet, but which option should be specified…
Part Number: CDCM6208V2EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594 , LMX2595 Dear TI,
I am working from the book: PLL Performance , Simulation and design 5th Edition by Dean Banerjee.
I am trying to replicate the phase noise calculations from chapter 27…
Part Number: CDCM6208V2EVM Dear TI,
I am viewing the output of the EVM on a Spectrum analyser. Using the Default hardware setup and GUI. The desired output and measured output do not match. The measured output is about +22 to +25 MHz greater than the…
Part Number: CDCM6208V2EVM Hi all,
I am using the CDCM6208V2 EVM and have a microcontroller to interface with it using SPI.
I am using RSTN bit in register 3 (register 3, bit 6 = Reg3.6) to initiate VCO calibration
- the code successfully toggle the bit…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCM6208V2EVM Hello,
I have some question about CDCM6208V2.
My customer wants to use CDCM6208V2 in PinMode27.
So, I tested PinMode27 in CDCM6208V2EVM.
PLL didn't lock in PinMode27.
(The tuning voltage was apploximately…
Part Number: CDCM6208 Hello, what are the differences between the CDCM6208V1 and CDCM6208V2? Also, what are the differences between CDCM6208V1EVM and CDCM6208V2EVM?
Thanks in advance.
There's no difference between CDCM6208V1EVM and CDCM6208V2EVM. The schematic for both can be found in the CDCM6208 EVM user guide. The original design files are no longer available.
Hi Satoshi,
1) Jitter performance under similar configurations from channel to channel will be similar. Supply current per individual supplies are mentioned in Table 1 of the DS.
2) Table 7 describes pin modes for the CDCM6208V2. Table 5 also describes…