Part Number: DAC81416 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC61416 Hi i am trying to interface between teensy and dac81416. my spi code:
_spi_settings = SPISettings ( spi_clock_hz , MSBFIRST , SPI_MODE0 );
pinMode ( cs_pin , OUTPUT );
Part Number: DAC81416EVM Hi,
Can I use DXP with any of the below parts:
1. DAC81416
2. DAC71416
3. DAC61416
If not, can I use the DACx1416 EVM GUI to give a custom code?
Part Number: DAC81416EVM the labview runtime is not being detected by the dac evm. i downloaded 2010,2014,2015,2021 runtime engines in NI package
It show in the NI package but it does not show in my control panel and also the dac evm is not able to recognize…