Part Number: DS90LV031AQML-SP Can TI confirm that the die for the DS90LV031AQML-SP part has not changed since the publicly available radiation testing (provided in the last response), i.e. is this data still valid for the current part?
Thanks in advance…
Part Number: DS90LV031AQML-SP Please can you provide any TID data or maximum dose that nominal performance is expected for this component (DS90LV031AQML-SP)?
Thanks in advance.
Part Number: DS90LV031AQML-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90LV032AQML-SP , SN55LVDS31-SP , SN55LVDS32-SP I am considering to use LVDS driver/receiver for a space project
- 5962-9865101QFA (DS90LV031AW-SP driver)
- 5962-9865201QFA (DS90LV032AW-SP…
Hi Tilman,
Welcome to E2E Design Support Community!
We are actually working on updating our TI Space Products Guide ( to include a list of Dummy Packages / Mechanical Samples, which should be updated in the coming months. In the meantime…
Part Number: SN55LVDS32-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90LV031AQML-SP , , DS90LV032AQML-SP Hello,
I needed the following 3 drivers/receivers' IBIS model
Can you provide me pls?
Thank you in advance…
Part Number: DS90LV031AQML Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , , DS90LV032AQML , SN55LVDS31 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
I am researcher involved in a ESA project. I am writing to ask if it would be possible to provide us a transistor…
I have a couple comments.
Is the boards temperature being measured during the test? You mention 30C. How is this controlled? Is the PCB controlled to 30C? Any board level temp measurements?
What is the load on the used drivers? 100ohm?