Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB901Q-Q1 , DS90UB902Q-Q1 Dear sir,
We try to connect NS LVDS chips "DS90UB901Q-Q1/DS90UB902Q-Q1" to DM814x.
We found LVDS chip needs I2C "clock stretching" mode support on DM814x's I2C controller…
Please see the attached file for the SERDESUB-16USB user manual (includes schematics, gerbers, BoM).
Contents of the Demo Evaluation Kit: 1) One Serializer board with the DS90UB901Q-Q1 2) One Deserializer board with the DS90UB902Q -Q1 3) One 2-meter high…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB901Q-Q1 , DS90UB902Q-Q1 I was wondering whether the DS90UB901Q-Q1 supports input from a monochrome image sensor. The datasheet and the block diagrams indicate that the serializer is designed to take in 14 bit YUV/RGB…