Hi Fernando, it looks like the debug connection is running which is goof. Looking back at your error, it looks like you may be missing something on the IDE side since this is throwing an error during compilation. Can you do a clean reinstall and also make…
Part Number: ENERGIA Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA302 , , MSP430FR5969 , OPT3001 I'm not receiving the confirmation mail in my email and hence unable to create an account on the 43oh forum to clear my doubts. As I'm not getting a proper solution in…
Part Number: EK-TM4C123GXL Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA , TM4C123GH6PM , I am using energia to try out SPI serial comms. I want to use SPI(3) on the launchpad.
I am looking for a code sample that might point me in the right direction to get the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA , MSP430FR5969 Hi All,
I have been using the msp430fr5969 controller and programming it using Energia.
I would like to get an example energia code for writing and reading data onto and from FRAM.
Kindly Help!
Part Number: CC3220S-LAUNCHXL Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA Hello Team,
I added a Energia Sketch as shown below:
Building the project worked without error.
Afer pressing the Run button I got below error:
The project folder looks like:
Part Number: MSP-EXP430F5529LP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA Hello,
I am interfacing 16x2 LCD with model number 'JHD162A' with MSP4305529 Launchpad. I am using Energia environment for the developement. I face a weired issue with LCD. The LCD…
Part Number: MSP430G2755 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA , , MSP-EXP430G2ET Please give the step-by-step procedure to use MSP430G2755 with ARDUINO IDE or ENERGIA platform. If it is not possible, please describe the usage in CCS.
Thank You,
Part Number: ENERGIA Cannot find Energia Sketch in CCS V12 'File' -> 'New' -> 'project...' How can I use Energia project template in CCS v12? Is there a way to configure and locate the Energia folder(tried in 'Windows'- >'Preferences' -> 'Code composer…