Hello again,
We truly apologize for the weekend delay.
In order to scale the referenced design to higher voltages you need to:
1. Increase R3 to reduce unnecessary power loss.
2. Replace Z1 with a Zener that has a larger breakdown voltage < current sense…
Part Number: INA138-Q1 Hi team
INA138-Q1 D/S say Input bias current = Max 10uA.
so total input bias current would be Max 20uA(= 10uA x 2) for two input pins ?
further, may I know total input bias current for two input pins at Vs = 0V and common mode voltage…
Part Number: INA138-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA138 , INA240 , SM74611 , LM74610-Q1 , LM74700-Q1 Hi, I am using the IC to sense the charge current of a battery, but if by mistake the battery is inverted the IC is damaged. I can add two resistors…
Part Number: INA138-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA138 Hi Team,
1. Is there any variation data of internal resistors(5kohm) at room temp?
2. Is internal resistor affected by ambient temp? If so, is there any data?
3. Is there any data about resistance…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA281-Q1 , INA168-Q1 , INA138-Q1 There is no mention of any automotive qualification standard for INA170EA Current shunt in its datasheet, can we use it for automotive applications,
If not suggest us the alternate current…
It is not recommended to adjust the gain externally. Please consider reducing the shunt resistor value as Kai suggested. In addition, we have the following lower gain options:
LMP8278-Q1 gain of 14; INA138-Q1, INA168-Q1, INA139-Q1 and INA169-Q1 with…
Part Number: INA180-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA138 , TINA-TI , INA180 Hello,
my customer is using INA180A2QDBVRQ1 (current sense amplifier) in their project.While using this model in SIMetrix 8.3 for simulation work, with PWM signal input the…
Shanthini, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will have the INA138 datasheet corrected in the next day and posted next week. In the meantime, if you need a correct pinout table you can use the INA138-Q1 datasheet. Sincerely, Peter Iliya …
Part Number: INA190 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA240 , INA138 , INA216 , INA270 , INA193 , INA203 , INA200 , INA226 , INA170 , LMP8645 , INA223 , INA282 , INA210 , INA199-Q1 , INA180 , INA181 , INA121 What are the design considerations when making small current…
Part Number: INA169-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA139 , INA169 , INA138 , INA168 , INA240 Dear Sir,
Currently, i'm using INA139 with my charge controller for current sensing, which is 24V. Since the INA139 common mode voltage is around 36V. It is…