Part Number: INA159 Below INA159 schematic snapshot and connection.
There are two options set for Vref between 0V to 2.5V by mounting R23 and R24 resistors.
I have query that in first option where R23 is mounted and R24 IS Do not populate. At that scenario…
Part Number: INA159 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS124S08 , We are planning to use this part in our design. We are preparing the power budget.
We tried to find typical supply current in the datasheet but we couldn't find then I contact to TI support…
Part Number: INA159
Hi team,
I didn't find the recommended PCB layout for INA159 in user manual or other documents.The 5 and 6 pins of the its output are directly connected in the circuit.
Do I have these two pins copper poured in the PCB, or connect…
Part Number: INA159 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA592 , , INA137 Hi,
Good Day. According to INA159 product file, the INA592 is same functionality with different pin-out to the compared device. But according to our customer, INA592 is not functional…
Part Number: THS7530 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA855 , INA159 , INA500 Tool/software: Hi, I need to design an analog front-end for differential signal acquisition. The ADC can be 1MSPS and powered with 3.3V or 5V, Vref=3V or 4.096V. The input ranges…
Part Number: INA159 Hello team,
My customer is considering using the INA159AIDGKR and wanted to know what the thermal resistance junction-to-case. It looks like in the datasheet we specify junction-to-ambient but it doesn't state junction-to-case. …
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA159 Does the maximum supply voltage of 5.5 Volts refer to the difference between the V+ and V- pins? I was planning to use V+ = 3.3 and V- = -1.5.
Part Number: INA159 Hi,
My pspice simulation using orcad capture-pspice is not converging. Attaching schematics, simulation and pspice output file.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA159 , INA326 Dear Sirs
I want to find OP like INA159 (Precision, Gain of 0.2 Level Translation
But I want to find bigger input impedance OP with small size ( 4 OPAs package), high precision attenuated…