Part Number: INA229 I want to drive the current measurement time down from what I am seeing from a single ina229, which yields acceptable performance at longest conversion time (~4 msec) with 16 samples averaged.
I’m considering an alternate design where…
Part Number: INA229 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA260
Want to measure a purely resistive load on the order of 100 micro-ohms, with an accuracy of 1% or better
Not cost sensitive - this circuit could be a couple hundred dollars if needed
Part Number: INA229 I want to control INA229 and another device using one SPI. (Of course, it is assumed that the basic settings (CPOL, CPHA, etc.) are the same.) However, when MISO of INA229 and another device (here AD5270 of analog device) is shared,…
Part Number: INA229 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA223 Hi expert,
Customer needs power meter IC to be embedded in their ACDC power supply product to measure the power supply's input power and PF, like a power meter feature. I only thought of TI's…
Part Number: INA229
Hello everyone,
I am using an INA229 to read Shunt Voltage and Current. It is configured to have a 40,96mV maximum Shunt Voltage.
I'm using a 2,7Ohm resistor as Shunt Resistor and expecting a 15mA maximum Shunt Current (40,96mV/2…
Part Number: INA229-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA229 Hi,
I use the INA229 to monitor the current in a battery powered system.
From time to time, the current reading becomes wrong, with different behaviours from one failure to the other (small…
Part Number: INA229-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA129 , INA229 Hi expert,
We need to use VBUS for insulation impedance detection. The minimum voltage may be about 2mV. Could you help me confirm that the accuracy of Vbus can meet the requirements…
Part Number: INA229 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
Hi expert,
I would like to confirm with you that if the Current Regisiter reading is 0F FF FC (This is the value that has been shifted right by 4 bits), it corresponds to a large current…
Part Number: INA229-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA229 , INA233 Team,
is there a feature that allows to check the integrity of the SPI messages sent from the device to an MCU?
My customer needs to have this since the INA229 is located in some distance…