Once you allow the output stage of INA2321 to operate in a non-linear region, the overload recovery time may vary greatly depending on exact circuit conditions like gain, amount of overdrive, temperature, process variation, load (what do you drive?),…
Part Number: INA114 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA2321 , INA333 Hi! I've been locking a way to sense direct current in microamperes, my idea is to use a 1 ohm shunt resistor to pass from current to voltage, amplify it and sense it with an 10bits…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA2321 Hello,
I am trying to use the INA2321 to amplify signals from two strain gauges - each configured in a quarter bridge circuit. Each circuit is identical to the one in Figure 2 of the datasheet (page 10 and copied…
Hi Atharv,
yes, you can do that. But as being a micropower instrumentation amplifier the INA2321 shows considerable higher noise. This can be an issue when chosing a high gain. Also, for the same reason, the INA2321 is not as fast as the INA2332.
Kai …
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA321 , INA2321 This datasheet for this part can also be found using INA321.
My problem is the following:
The formula for the datasheet basically says that the Op-Amp is NOT V(ref) dependent. However, my results say otherwise…
OK, so it seems that INA2321 was actually my best option to begin with. I am not constrained by power supply requirements, I can make most whatever work. As far as implementation of INA2321, at a gain of 5, I don't need any resistors, but I need to wire…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA2331 , INA2321 , INA146 , INA145 Hi,
I am looking for Differential Amp with high gain of up to 100 V\V.
The input signal is around 1mV. I want also that if the diffrence is negative it will be gained on the output.
Hello again.
I have yet another question. On page 3 of the datasheet it writes: Input vs. temperature +/- 7 uV/Celsius degrees. If I had a gain=200 than 1 C temperature increase causes +0,007*200=+1,4 mV Voltage growth on the output?
Thanks for the a…