Hey Chris,
You could trigger this counter solely on the negative edge of DRDY since that edge is always the indicator that data is ready no matter what the state of the pin is between the edges.
I see no issue with the INA2331. We can discuss the signal…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA2331 Hello, I cannot figure out why my digital output is always 0.
I am using an Arduino to read, but have verified readings/writings with a serial analyzer. Each output has a pull up resistor of 4.7k, A0 and A1 have…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA2331 , INA2321 , INA146 , INA145 Hi,
I am looking for Differential Amp with high gain of up to 100 V\V.
The input signal is around 1mV. I want also that if the diffrence is negative it will be gained on the output.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA163 , INA331 , INA2331 Hello,
It is intended to design an array of amplifiers with a gain of 1200 on each channel. Input signals are between 1uV to 3uV with a BW of 100Hz to 100kHz. I intend to use TI op-amps. I have multichannel…
Yes, the offset voltage is very small on the INAx331, you can probably ignore it. The REF pin can be considered a null pin, but it is really used for setting the output reference voltage - if you want to compensate for the input offset using it…