Part Number: INA317 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA333 ,
Customer is using the INA333 instr. amp in a board for a medical instrument. They wish to replace it with the INA317 that seems exactly the same device except the Max Offset Voltage (75uV…
Part Number: INA317 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA333 Hi team,
I found the statement below on the datasheet "Power Supply Recommendations". Which specification will be reduced by using power supply below 3.3V e.g. 2.2V?
I saw the input…
Part Number: RCV420 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA317 Tool/software: Hi,
my customer found RCV420 to be a technical fit for their application, but they cannot use the PDIP package.
I also would like to guide them towards a more modern device.
Part Number: PSPICE-FOR-TI Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54394 , INA317 Tool/software: Hello,
I am having an issue with PSpice for TI. It seems that I am unable to use the software as I am not able to click on anything and when I try to begin a new…
Part Number: INA317 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA826 Hi there,
I have made a circuit using the INA317 where I want to measure the open voltage of a load, after it has been charged, but somehow the gain is less than 1. For the Rg, I didn't place…
Part Number: INA317 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI I am getting a 400mV, 23 KHz sine wave output on pin6 which is present irrespective of input signal. In case I get the input signal this noise is offset and rides on the signal.
Part Number: INA317
Hi team,
We have set Gain = 33 by using (R173)3.16K resistor across 1 and 8 th pin of the amplifier. But we observe that the gain of the amplifier is around 2 only.
We also tried placing different gain resistors like 1K,300 but…
Part Number: INA317 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA205 , PGA281 , LMP8358 , PGA204 Hello Expert, I have questions regarding gain setting of INA317. Would you answer following questions?
Is there any recommended way of changing Rg?
We think use digipot…
Part Number: INA317
I have a question regarding the Input Bias Current Return path section ( of the INA317 datasheet. My sensor( Strain gauge) is referenced to the same ground as INA317. I do not think that I need to add this resistor to my design…
Part Number: INA317
In the T I D A-0 1 0 0 1 9 schematic(page3) I see 10K resistors on both the inputs.Is this design choice just for current limiting on input pins?