Part Number: INA381 Tool/software: Hello,
I am designing a single cell charger and I have used INA381 to detect when the output consumes more than 50mA of current. Could you review the design I made regarding INA381A4 and comment if it is ok, or if there…
Part Number: INA381 Tool/software: Good morning, just a simple question regarding the production life of the INA381 & UCC2808A as I have incorporated them in a current design.
We produce audio amplifiers for use in voice evacuation systems in buildings…
Hi Frank, TI only provides FMEA documentation for automotive grade devices. Here's the FMEA for the INA381-Q1 (automotive grade part).
Best, Mallika Senthil
Sorry, I missed the second piece. Yes, there is a rough linear approximation on the VOL specification, and this is shown in figure 37 of the datasheet. I had a look at the data as to why the 3mA condition does not correlate, and it appears as though…
Part Number: INA381 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9152 , , LM2903 , INA180 , TLV3231 Tool/software: Hi team,
I'm looking for op amps and comparators that enable high-speed overcurrent detection for compressor motor. Could you tell me the fastest…
Part Number: INA381 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA300 Hi,
We use the INA381A4IDGSR (VSSOP-10) in our design for overcurrent protection. We want to update the design and lower the power consumption. Is there a pin compatible alternative available…
Part Number: INA381-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA381 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Customer wants to know the total power consumption of INA381. There is no information in the datasheet. So please check it and let me know.
Part Number: INA381-Q1 Hello,
in our application a voltage is applied to the OUT pin before Vs is supplied, the current is limited by a series resistor.
The note (3) in Absolute Maximum Ratings states "Input voltage may exceed the voltage shown without…
Part Number: INA381-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA381 , UCC27524 , UCC27444 Hi,
The customer questions the INA381 simulation results.
The result is that when INA381A4 recognizes overcurrent, the Alert output is in Latch Mode, but it operates in…