Part Number: INA4180 Tool/software: We are using the INA4180A1IPWR sense amplifier with a 0.001 ohm current sense resistor. We're attempting to measure between 6 and 7 amps of current through the .001 ohm resistor. That produces between 6 mV and…
Part Number: INA4180 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA4181 Hello, we're currently utilizing the INA4180 to sense DC motor current, but it's only detecting current in one direction. When the motor reverses, it no longer senses current, even though it…
Part Number: INA4180-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA4180 , INA2180 Hi team,
I want to make sure if INA4180 can meet the spec requirements of DRV8718 current sensor amplifier as below. The customer want to find 2/4 channel auto current sensor amplifier…
Part Number: INA4180-Q1 Hi,
I have a question about the differential voltage on this part. The datasheet says it can exceed 28 volts as long as the current is limited to 5mA. We want to sense the voltage across a FET. When the FET is off, the inputs will…
Part Number: INA4180-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA4180
I am using the INA4180A1 current sense amplifier from which one of the 4 channels is unused. The device is implemented using a single supply rail. I was wondering how to properly terminate…
Part Number: INA4180 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA180 , INA240 Hi Team,
Would it be okay to use a 100kohm resister and 100nF capacitor at the input for low drive application. I read that for high side we can't use resistor greater than 10ohms as it…
Part Number: INA4180 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA4181 , INA185 low side shunt current sense circuit is designed as shown as below,
design spec: low side shunt current sense/ gain=37/ max frequency=30kHz/ as less 3 output in one package/ Vin=0V~0…
Part Number: INA4180 My customer would like to implement RL 56Kohms + 1uF as attached schematic. Please kindly review it and let me know any concerns about it?