Part Number: INA745B Tool/software: Hi,
We plan to use the INA745B in an industrial battery powered device and i have a question regarding input power draw on the high voltage side when the device is powered off.
Figure 6-6. High-Voltage Input Multiplexe…
Part Number: INA745B Tool/software: Hello,
We are starting with INAs and we would like to use INA for measurement current and voltage separately, we are testing devices where current is measured from supply and voltage is measured from different pin…
Hi Peter,
I appreciate your effort in putting this data together, this is very helpful! We are proceeding to use INA745s and INA700s in our designs!
Part Number: INA745B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP116 Tool/software: We are using INA745B Current sensor in our project. So for that please let me know how many Read write cycles can be able to perform by this IC...
Part Number: LM1084 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA253-Q1 , , INA745B , TPS7A47 , TPS7A85A , TPS7A84A , TPS7A57 , TPS7A54 , TPS7A52 , TPS7A53 Tool/software: I am reaching out regarding a design challenge in my application and would appreciate your assistance…