Part Number: ISO122 Tool/software: Please provide correct pin count for SOIC package of part ISO122UE4. I have attached the link for datasheet below. Please confirm if part should have package as SOIC-28 or SOIC-8. Also please confirm the operating voltage…
Part Number: ISO122 Tool/software: Hello
I use ISO122JU/1K for my circuit.
Power supply voltage for ISO122JU/1K is +15V and -15V.
I input +13V to VIN pin of ISO122JU/1K at my circuit test.
I would like to confirm if there is a possibility that this ISO122JU…
Part Number: ISO122 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO124 , ISO224 , AMC3311 Tool/software: Dears:
Do we have ISO122 next Gen product ? This part is very old , customer want to know if TI has new part to replace it. Thanks .
Part Number: ISO122 imagine ISO122 has Vs1 as +/-5V and input is -1V, the VS2 is 0-10V , what will be output voltage ?
Should it be 4V, as input is -1V for a input voltage range of -5 to 5v in the same manner the output shall be 4v in the power range…
Part Number: ISO122 Related to ISO122 VDE0884 question answered by Alexander Smith..
I'm working through IEC 60601-1 certification, and would like to know the type of insulation material and spacing between the internal isolation capacitors. Having…
Part Number: ISO122 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO224 , AMC1411
The datasheet mentioned that the ISO 122 is compliant to the VDE0884 standard but does not mention what version (-05, -10, -11, etc.). Knowing which version we tested the device…
Part Number: ISO122 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO224 , AMC1411 Hi,
In page 20 of the datasheet ISO122 soic packages are marked as active. I would like to ask if you still recommend this isolated amplifier for a new design with an intended life cycle…
Part Number: ISO122 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1411 , ISO224 , Hi,
I wish to use the aforementioned amplifier in voltage sensing circuit. The required output voltage level of the opamp is 0 to 3.3V. What is the recommended +Vs1 and +Vs2 for this…