Hi Ondrej,
I have checked your layout, finding the issue may lie on improper layout shown in following tips:
1. Cin should be put as close as possible to Vin pin and PGND pin. Current layout has long GND trace from Cin GND pad to LM2717 PGND pin, which…
Part Number: LM2717 Hello team,
one of my customers is evaluating the LM2717 and is asking about the output voltage accuracy. In the Datasheet the feedback voltage tolerance is not stated for both outputs. In contrast, the Datasheet of LM2717-ADJ states…
Hi Jeffrey,
My suggestion is that you would need to measure temperature at the laser's heatsink interface and the measure the the flow rate of the coolant system, where the coolant is circulated through the cooling system. The temperature at the laser…
Hi Sami,
The purpose of RFB2 is to set the output voltage for the LM2717 converter. Please use the following equation to set an output voltage. If you omit RFB2, the IC will not function according to its' specs.