We also have a 2kV ESD version, LM324K, LM2902K and LM2902KAV device that have ESD added to the input pins. All other versions only have their natural protection meaning that there are no ESD specific cells in the design. There is also the fallback…
Part Number: LM324 For all of these opamps, on the datasheets I see "Output Current" and a value is given for Min and Typ (but not Max). (Page 6 of the LM324/LM324A/LM324K/etc. datasheet, for example)
Am I to assume these really require a minimum…
Hirokazu, Just like the LM324 and LM324K (and LM324A and LM324KA) share the same EC table data. LM2902 and LM2902K will also share the same EC table data. I will add this to next LM2902 data sheet update.