Part Number: LM358-N Tool/software: Team,
I am looking for some history on the LMV358MM (non-NOPB), when was this EOL and was the non-NOPB version the version with SnPb lead finish?
And is it possible to get the PCN for the EOL?
Thank you in advance…
Part Number: LM358-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM358 Tool/software: Dear Team,
I am trying to build a single supply opamp amplifier using LM358.
I am expecting a 4.4V Peak to peak out put .But my output is in mV range.
May I know where I went…
Part Number: LM358-N Dear team,
Can you please check for us what is the exact difference between these two parts? We cannot find the meaning of that A in the first MPN.
Thank you.
Part Number: LM358-N Here is the datasheet:
On page 3 in the table of pin functions. It lists pin 5 as +INB but is described as output, channel b and pin 7 as OUTB but is described as Non-Inverting Input, Channel…
Part Number: LM358-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM393 , LM358 , I have done circuit experiments on LM385(SOIC-8) and LM385N(PDIP). The schematic diagrams are shown as,
I use power of 5V with amp meter to record their currents.
In LM358N(PDIP) circuit…
Part Number: LM358-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM358 Здравствуйте, недавно у меня дома побывал компетентный инженер-электронщик. И мы сошлись в одном: операционный усилитель LM358 texas instruments очень шумный. Мне нужно подобрать малошумящий операционный…
Part Number: LM358-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM358 , TL3472 , LM6142 , TLE2142 , TLC082
Help me figure out the electronic circuit. The electrical Board stands on the equipment that controls the proportional hydraulic control valve. The electrical…
Part Number: LM358-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM358 Dear Sir:
I have done circuit experiments on LM385(SOIC-8) and LM385N(PDIP). The schematic diagrams are shown as,
I use power of 5V with amp meter to record their currents.
In LM358N(PDIP) circuit…
Part Number: LM358-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI What is the LM358-N's output resistance (Ro)?
I have a capacitive load and want to calculate the stability, but I could not find a value for Ro in the data sheet.