Part Number: LM393B Tool/software: Hi,
Just want to ask if which revision does A0 refers to on the PCN. There is a current revision Rev. A and New Rev. A.
Thanks and Best regards,
Part Number: LM393B Tool/software: Hi team,
I read SNOAA35 application note but, I cannot understand why 10k resistor is required between VCC and unused input.
I understand a resistor between GND and unused input is requied to limit the current due to…
Part Number: LM393B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM393 , LM393LV Hello all, I am currently having issues with the LM393BIDR, we have been using the LM393M. We use it to make a saw tooth generator, but the LM393BIDR is not performing as a drop in replacement…
Part Number: LM393B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV1701 , LM393LV Dear Specialists,
My customer is considering LM393B and has a question.
I would be grateful if you could advise.
I'm looking for a 1usmax propagation delay comparator. Cheaper is…
Part Number: LM339B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM393B , LM339 Hello team,
I have a quick question.
Is the input voltage under the ABS max allowed to be biased regardless of the supply voltage condition for LM339B and LM393B? (e.g. Vin=32V with Vcc…
Part Number: LM393B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL331B i have the dual in my design but due to changes i only need a single comparator. What is a single version with the same electrical specifications?
Part Number: LM393B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM393LV , TLV4021 , TLV7021 , LM393 Hi,
We are looking to use LM393BIDDR in one of our applications. The device is used as follows:
- IN2+ is connected to 2.5V
- IN2- is connected to external logic and…
Part Number: LM393 Dear Team,
Our customer have an OPA(LM393BIDR) issue as below, please help to check if the design is ok.
When DCIN_27V_1 greater than "V+", the pin1 will output "Hi-Z".
When DCIN_27V_1 less than "V+, " the pin1…